This Booster Station was characterized by a high discharge head of 450 ft TDH. This is astronomical value. When the pumps stopped working, the backflow hit the valves that had been installed there, breaking the center of them. By installing the inline 4 ”and 6” elbow EkoWodrol, cracking has been eliminated. We also used pump soft starts to extend the life of the valves. In the building where we installed them, the space was limited by the size of this building (8’x 8 ‘). So we removed two old 90’s from ductile iron and installed our 4 ”and 6” EkoWodrol. The customer also appreciates the fact that he can simply unscrew 4 screws and access the inside of the valve. It took the customer approximately 2 hours to clean one of the old valves.
Reason for using EkoWodrol valve:
✘ limited space
✘ algae clogging
✘ large discharge height